Remembering Paris…Remembering Basilique Saint-Denis

What happens when one half of the *Pear* goes to work and the other gets bored with no history books around? (they are in transport somewhere between Maine and Texas)  They (moi) start dreaming about, none other than *Paris* like that’s a shocker…then dreaming turns into finding something constructive to do… about French history, add […]

The Life and Times of Stella

Awkwardly disagreeing with the status quo since 2008.

Home is Where the Boat Is

Potting, Puttering & Pontooning

The Perks of Being an Artist

Because demented people need love, too.

The Earthist Chronicles

Whistling past the graveyard and wondering when the revolution will finally begin...

Vaccine Free: Homeopathic Education for the Immune System

1614 Harmon Place, Suite 204. Minneapolis MN, 55403.

Small House Bliss

Small house designs with big impact


Education and inspiration for visual storytellers

Shiny Tiny Mansion

A Movement Towards Slow Living

Barcelona Blonde

A Barcelona blog and travel blog

Last Night's Parties and Last Night's Horrorshow

Elsewhere...and the moments in between.

O' Canada

Reflections on Canadian Culture From Below the Border


A fairy-tale cottage by the Seine in Normandy


Trying to live a creative life


A family-run organic CSA farm in Warren, Maine